Adsense Eligibility Checker

Site URL: Top Blog Post url:

Image of Fluratech Adsevse eligibility checker tool

How to use the Fluratech AdSense Eligibility Checker (FAEC) Tool?

  1. When you are visiting the Fluratech AdSense Eligibility Checker (FAEC) Tool, you can able to see two input fields, a captcha and a submit button
  2. In the first input field, you must paste your site's base URL with http:// or https:// (eg:
  3. In the second input field, you need to paste the url of the best post on your site (eg: This is to evaluate the quality of the page. Suggestion: Try to add the best post on the first page as a featured post.  
  4. Now you need to verify the captcha. Suggestion: Make sure you are connected with a better network.
  5. Click submit
  6. Wait 1min to fetch, analyse and make reports from your site by AI.

Factors we check

  1. Domain ranking
  2. Domain age
  3. Indexed Pages on search engine
  4. SSL
  5. Sitemap
  6. Loading Speed 
  7. Indexed or not
  8. Server Response
  9. Domain Authority 
  10. Page Authority 
  11. Backlinks 
  12. Essential Pages (About us, Contact Us, Privacy policy, Terms and conditions)
  13. Website Traffic 
  14. Mobile Friendly
  15. Content-Length

Benefits of using this tool

Frequently asked questions:

Which is the best score for getting AdSense eligibility?

First of all, you need to understand that this tool will create only an approximate figure. But we have done our best to give you the most accurate result. 

According to us, 80% to 100% is considered best for getting approval. 

Is it an enhanced Adsence eligibility checker?

Yes, the fluratech adsense eligibility checker tool is a tool which uses AI to analyse your site and create the report. Also, the result is again checked by AI scripts to ensure accuracy. 

Is the Fluratech AdSense Eligibility Checker (FAEC) Tool free to use?

Yes, the fluratech adsense eligibility checker is free of cost. You don't need to think further, you can use this tool anytime and from anywhere. There are not any restrictions to use this tool. So feel free and happy to use this tool.

Is Fluratech AdSense Eligibility Checker secure to use?

By using this tool there is not any security issues for the users and their sites. 

How do the officials check for AdSense approval?

When officials check for AdSense approval, they typically follow a specific process to ensure that a website meets Google's eligibility criteria. 

1. Website evaluation: Officials will typically start by evaluating the website's content, design, and overall user experience. They'll look for factors such as:

2. Content policy compliance: Officials will also review the website's content to ensure it complies with Google's content policies. They'll look for factors such as: 

3. Technical requirements: Officials will check the website's technical aspects, such as: 

 4. Website history: Officials may review the website's history to ensure it hasn't violated Google's terms of service in the past. They'll look for factors such as: 

 5. User feedback: Officials may also consider user feedback when evaluating a website's eligibility for AdSense. They'll look for factors such as: 

6. Final evaluation: After evaluating the website based on these factors, officials will make a final decision on whether to approve it for AdSense. If approved, the website can start displaying AdSense ads and earning revenue.

Recommendations to get approval faster:

Create high-quality content: Your website or blog should have valuable and engaging content that attracts a significant number of visitors. The content should be original, informative, and relevant to your niche. 

Build a significant amount of traffic: Your website should receive a substantial amount of traffic, which indicates that your content is appealing to your audience. The traffic should be organic, meaning it comes from search engines, social media, or other legitimate sources. 

Ensure your website is user-friendly: Your website should be easy to navigate, visually appealing, and optimized for user experience. It should also be mobile-friendly, as this is now a key ranking factor. 

Meet Google's content policies: Google has strict content policies that prohibit explicit, violent, or harmful content. Ensure that your website does not violate any of these policies. 

Apply for AdSense: Once you've met the above requirements, you can apply through Google's website. You'll need to provide information about your website, including its URL, content, and traffic levels. 

Wait for approval: After submitting your application, Google will review your website and assess its eligibility for AdSense. This process may take several days or weeks, depending on the volume of applications. 

Implement AdSense code: If your application is approved, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to implement the AdSense code on your website. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure that the ads are displayed correctly. 

Maintain your website's quality: To keep your AdSense account active, you must maintain your website's quality and ensure that it continues to meet Google's content policies. Regularly update your content, respond to user feedback, and avoid engaging in any practices that may violate Google's terms of service.

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